Friday, July 6, 2012

Falling Into Place: A Note from Pastor Sue

July 6, 2012

I love puzzles. My family used to spend hours gathered together around a table putting together 1000 and 1500 piece puzzles. Frequently we would plug away for hours staring at the pieces and making almost no progress, and then suddenly the pieces would start falling into place and in what felt like a few minutes a significant portion of the puzzle would suddenly be complete.

These past few months have been a little bit like putting a puzzle together. Pieces have been scattered all over – pieces I knew fit together – but nothing seemed to be falling into place. But in these past two weeks, suddenly two big sections of the puzzle that is outreach at Saxapahaw United Methodist Church have begun to fall into place. Sure, a few pieces are still missing, but for the first time I can see where we are going. And let me tell you – it is exciting!

Let me start with the possibility of a daycare at Sax UMC. Last November God placed Monica Pallett in my path. She is a talented woman with an extraordinary vision for a daycare in Saxapahaw. She loved our church, seeing great potential for a top-notch five-star daycare in our building. We spent the next six months working through our largest obstacle – an adequate septic system. The first major piece of the puzzle fell into place when we were approved to put in a septic system that would meet the needs of a maximum capacity daycare. Immediately after that several other pieces fell into place. John Jordan generously offered $20,000 toward the necessary building improvements. Rick Christy and the Fire Marshall discussed upgrades we need to make to the building no matter what to comply with fire code. And several highly qualified women have contacted Monica to talk about partnering with her in this ministry. While there is still much hard work to be done, we clearly have what it takes to have a successful daycare in this church. I see the Holy Spirit working powerfully as these pieces are falling into place and cannot help but praise God for this extraordinary opportunity to serve the children of this community.

The second big part of this puzzle has been our desire to open a food pantry to feed the hungry in Southern Alamance. From the start, we have wanted an ecumenical food pantry – something that draws together the churches across the area into a shared ministry. Yet from the start we have run into incredible diversity in our theology and practice – just what did Jesus mean when he called us to feed the hungry? One of the incredible gifts of this congregation has been the recognition that we had the resources to purchase a location for the food pantry, giving us a starting place. We now own the future food pantry of Southern Alamance on Highway 87 just north of Rumley Road. While this was a major piece of the puzzle, the next pieces did not fall into place until recently. Last week Brenda Allen, the executive director of Loaves & Fishes, made an extraordinary offer. She suggested that we allow Loaves & Fishes to start and run the food pantry for a year, giving us a solid foundation, the resources we need to get started, and time to see which churches actually want to be involved. Then, when the folks of Southern Alamance take over it will truly be a shared ministry of the community. Again, there are many details to work out and much hard work to be done, but I have been blown away by how powerfully the Holy Spirit is smiling down upon us. God is clearly calling us to be kingdom builders.

This Sunday, July 8, the Church Council will meet to discuss our next steps. Beyond affirming the Trustees decision to make the needed changes to the building for a daycare, we will start to envision a Daycare Transition Team. Who are the people who can best help us envision a successful, five-star, Christ-centered daycare? Beyond discussing the needed improvements to our food pantry building, we will vote to approve inviting Loaves & Fishes to start this food ministry and discuss the details. These are big decisions and very exciting steps!

What can you do? First of all, pray. Pray every day for these ministries. Pray for God’s blessing. Pray for wisdom and guidance. Pray for the people who have given and who will give of their time and gifts to bring these ministries to fruition. Secondly, volunteer to help. We are going to need everything from visionaries and planners to builders and doers. Third, ask questions. Ask the Trustees. Ask the Church Council. Ask me. Together with God I know we can do great things!

Grace and peace through our Lord Jesus Christ!


  1. Good message, Sue. I am always amazed at the accomplishments, talents, vision, grace and brazen faith the people of our congregation and our community have. All tempered w/ humility, love, hope, and a remarkable amount of acceptance of the "other/stranger". May God continue to lead us down bold paths. :-)

    Mel H-H

  2. I just saw your web site today for the first time, i live in Raleigh. Now praying daily for progress and growth for these wonderful ministries. Peace~:
